Just had to post this pic of Parker because I absolutely love it! My mom took it at her house last night while Parker was playing on the floor. I just love the way it shows off his blue eyes! Okay, that's it, just wanted to brag on my baby!
Hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas! I know we sure did! We started the holiday in Galesburg on Friday and came back to Murphysboro on Monday (Christmas Eve) to finish out. Bobby's Aunt Nancy had Christmas for us with all of the family on Sunday, it was very nice and a lot of fun! Parker scored on some really cute clothes and fun new toys! He really got into opening his gifts ( a lot more than I thought he would!) We had Christmas morning at our house, then went to my parents house to open gifts. We finished out the day at my Grandma Elsie's with a big Christmas dinner, gifts, and lots of games! Hope you enjoy these pics, I had so many it was hard to choose which ones to post!
This past Wednesday we went to JcPenney to have pictures done for Christmas and also because Parker turned 6 months yesterday. I was so happy with the way they turned out! Parker had been to the doctor earlier that day because he had been sick the entire weekend and wasn't really seeming to get any better. They diagnosed him with an ear infection and started him on Amoxicillin, but through it all he has still remained a happy baby & these pictures are my proof! I can't believe how good he smiled for all of them! He thought our photographer was hilarious!
I took this picture on Thanksgiving day morning while Parker was watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in his daddy's recliner. I thought it was cute! He sat for over an hour with his blankey and just watch the parade like he was really enjoying it. Anyway, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving holiday and hope that all of you who went out shopping on Friday got some great deals! I decided to wait a day and did some shopping on Saturday...it was much less hectic!
Parker turned 5 months last week! Can't believe how fast the time is going! He is getting to be such a big boy! He is rolling over a lot on the days that he wants to, but some days he is just not interested! He is such a happy baby and always so full of smiles! His personality is really starting to develop, he laughs a lot and screams when he is excited or happy! He is going next week to Imagine Photography to have his pictures done! I am really excited and can't wait to see how they turn out! Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!
My mom and I decided to take Parker to Murphysboro Lake today to get some pictures of him with all the fall leaves, however, he did not like sitting in the leaves too well! They kind of freaked him out! So instead of it being a Parker photo shoot it ended up being a Mommy & Parker photo shoot. We did get some really cute pictures though, just wish Daddy could have been with us (he was out hunting), this would have been a great opportunity for a family picture!
Here is our little lion! His costume turned out to be adorable thanks to my talented mother! He did pretty well for his first Halloween. He managed to wear his costume for 2 1/2 hours before he started to get cranky! Luckily we scored some cute pictures before hand! Hope you enjoy the pics and hope everyone had a great Halloween! P.S. Thank You Grandma Kathy for this great costume!
For those of you who know our family, you know that my mom battled breast cancer almost 3 years ago. She had a mastectomy followed by 6 months of chemotherapy and 30 radiation treatments. She is now doing extremely well and is a proud grandmother to Parker. This month is very close to my heart because it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and when I start seeing all the pink ribbons around in the stores it reminds me of how lucky I am to have my mother here! Breast cancer affects thousands of women every year young & old, please remind the women in your family to have their mammograms every year if they are 4o years of age & older. For those of you under 40, remember to do your self breast exams every month! Remember you don't have to have a family history to get this disease, the most common risk factor is just being a woman! Early detection saves lives! Love You Mom! I am so proud of you!
So we decided to go ahead and start Parker on cereal. Dr. Korte told us we could start him anywhere from 4-6 months. He had been sleeping full nights since he was 10 weeks old, but recently he has been waking up in the middle of the night to eat, so we figured he just wasn't getting satisfied anymore with just his formula. These pictures are from his first cereal experience, he did really well and seemed to really like it! When we were finished feeding him, we gave him the spoon to play with so we could get some cute pictures!
These pictures are of Parker playing in his exersaucer/walker that his Great Grandma Doris bought him a couple weeks ago. He absolutely loves it. He is always wanting to stand up, so this exersaucer works out perfect! He stands in it and plays with his toys and he has started to figure out that he can move around in it as well. He can push himself backwards, but hasn't figured out how to go forward yet. Thanks Grandma Doris for this great gift!
These pictures were taken at my mom's house the other night and I had to share them with all of you! Parker was in a really good mood and we managed to get some really cute smiles caught on camera!
Halloween is next week and Grandma Kathy has been busy working on Parker's Halloween costume! As you can see, he is going to be a lion! The costume is really coming together and starting to look really cute! I can't wait to see what it is going to look like when it is all finished and we get his little face painted!
I just love this picture! I took it a few weeks ago when it was still really nice outside. I was outside doing some yard work and decided to bring Parker out with me! He loves being outside & suprisingly he likes to have his sunglasses on! He did not try to take them off once!
So I know it has been awhile since I have made a post, but Parker turned 4 months about 3 weeks ago (I know, I know he will be 5 months soon!) Anyway, here are some pics from the day in which he turned 4 months old. He had his 4 month well-check a couple weeks ago and Dr. Korte says he is looking great! He even rolled over for her at his appointment! He is now 14lb. 60z. (40% in weight), 24 inches long (45% in height).
Parker with Mommy & Daddy Me, Beth, & Brooke with the babies...we missed Caroline! Parker with Aunt Christy! At the end of the evening...Parker was pooped!