Just had to post this pic of Parker because I absolutely love it! My mom took it at her house last night while Parker was playing on the floor. I just love the way it shows off his blue eyes! Okay, that's it, just wanted to brag on my baby!
Hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas! I know we sure did! We started the holiday in Galesburg on Friday and came back to Murphysboro on Monday (Christmas Eve) to finish out. Bobby's Aunt Nancy had Christmas for us with all of the family on Sunday, it was very nice and a lot of fun! Parker scored on some really cute clothes and fun new toys! He really got into opening his gifts ( a lot more than I thought he would!) We had Christmas morning at our house, then went to my parents house to open gifts. We finished out the day at my Grandma Elsie's with a big Christmas dinner, gifts, and lots of games! Hope you enjoy these pics, I had so many it was hard to choose which ones to post!
This past Wednesday we went to JcPenney to have pictures done for Christmas and also because Parker turned 6 months yesterday. I was so happy with the way they turned out! Parker had been to the doctor earlier that day because he had been sick the entire weekend and wasn't really seeming to get any better. They diagnosed him with an ear infection and started him on Amoxicillin, but through it all he has still remained a happy baby & these pictures are my proof! I can't believe how good he smiled for all of them! He thought our photographer was hilarious!