Its hard for me to believe that Griffin is 5 months old already!
Next thing you know he will be 6 months and then I look back at how fast those 6 months flew by...and I will know that his 1st birthday is just around the corner! So not fair how fast they grow up! :(
We just got back from Mexico on Monday & when I went to hold him after being away for 4 days...
I would have sworn he had gotten bigger!
Why does it always seem that way!?!
Everytime I am away from my kids for a couple of days,
I feel like they have
changed in some way, shape, or form since I left them!
It's C.R.A.Z.Y.
Not only does he continue to get bigger, but if its possible, I think he might be getting cuter too! :)
(I know, I know...I'm his mom...I am supposed to think he is cute!)
I know I post a lot of pics of this boy with no clothes on or in the bath tub, but come to think of it...
I think that is when he is the happiest!!
And naked babies always make for a good photo op!
I snapped these pics the other day while I was giving him a bath in the kitchen sink! The first 2 pics, his hair is all soaped up & matted...the 3rd shows off his wild & crazy hair!
At 5 months, Griffin is very active & very strong! He rolls over constantly & even lately has been trying to crawl...seriously think the crawling thing is not far off! He constantly chews on his fingers/fists/toys or whatever is nearby, he also drools A LOT!! Kinda think he maybe trying to cut some teeth! We'll see!! (You know I will post pics of that milestone as soon as it happens!) He has in the last month also discover his feet and likes to lay on his back & play with them!
He reaching out & grabs for toys and is a pleasant baby most of the day! It seems like every evening around 6pm he turns into a grump butt & throws a temper tantrum, but this is considered an improvement to think that this used to happen once between every feeding! He is eating 6 oz of formula at a time and does eat rice cereal in the evenings! He is also starting to show an interest in what everyone else is eating & drinking lately! He is constantly trying to go after my diet coke can or my coffee in the morning! He is weighing in around 16 pounds and wearing mostly 6 month clothing.
He did have his physical therapy evaluation on his neck & the therapist didn't seem too concerned. She thinks he has just a very mild case of torticollis and is only showing about a 10% delay in his development as a result of it. They have to have a delay of 30% or more to qualify for in-home therapy, therefore, looks like mommy & daddy will just be doing some stretching exercises with this boy at home to straighten out his neck!
Also wanted to post these pictures...again he's naked!
But I wanted to show you how he is holding his own bottle now!
Sniff, sniff....he's getting so big!
He doesn't even need me to hold his bottle anymore! :(