Here is the latest picture of Baby Griffin! Went in for a 36 week ultrasound to see how big our little one is getting....they are estimating his weight at 6lb 5oz (give or take 8oz b/c the ultrasounds aren't completely accurate at determining the baby's weight). At 36 weeks, he is as big as Parker was when he was born at 40 weeks! Yikes! Hope he comes soon so that I won't have a monster child when it comes time to deliver! Had one episode of contractions last week which lasted for about an hour & a half. Contractions were coming every 3-6 minutes or so and started at 9:45pm. After 24 surgeries at work and church following, I think I had just over done it for the day! After about an hour, I decided to go ahead and get in the shower just in case! At about 11:15, things finally started slowing down & the contractions quit all together! Dr. Walker says nothing to be concerned about at this point, Baby Griffin can come whenever he is ready! Yay! Hoping he decides to make his appearance sooner than later!

The boys rooms look really cute, nice finishing touch to already cute rooms. Can't wait to see baby Griffin and give him hugs and kisses! Love ya, mom and dad
You look great and the boys rooms are so cute! Congrats!
You look great such a happy perfect pregnant momma!
Love you
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